AI Clinical Cases

AI-based clinical case simulator

Solution based on the most advanced natural language processing models for the simulation of patient interviews, recreating hetereogeneous clinical cases. This tool optimizes the training of physicians and healthcare professionals by providing an interactive and detailed learning experience.


Clinical Skills Improvement:

Optimizes diagnostic and treatment skills of healthcare professionals through realistic patient simulations.

Detailed Evaluation:

Provides detailed analyses comparing clinical case resolution with the optimal approach, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Preparation for Diverse Scenarios:

Increases clinicians’ effectiveness and confidence by preparing them for a wide range of clinical situations and patient types.

Main features and functionalities

  • Training in complex clinical cases of specific and adaptable pathologies.
  • Patients seem to have their own personality and interact with any request.
  • Comparison of clinical case resolution with the optimal approach.
  • Generation of detailed reports with step-by-step analysis.
  • Identification of strengths and areas of improvement specific to each healthcare professional.



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